Scenario Settings
- Save Scenario: Save your scenario.
- Test Scenario: Test your scenario, and save the scenario at the same time.
- Scenario Display Name: which name users want to show.
- Switch Template: Change template or leave advance mode (No Template).
- Thumbnail Generate: Generate current view image for scenario thumbnail.
Player Settings
- Allow World Items: Allow usable items acquired from golden bay to be used.
- Allow World Weapons: Allow weapons acquired from golden bay to be used.
- Default Items: Default player (class) settings. If no special player classes are defined, all players will use this as base information.
- Max Health: Max player heath. Minimum: 1, Maximum: 1000.
- Max Armor: Max player armor. Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1000.
- Start with armor: Player starts with armor.
- Disable jogging: Player cannot jog, only walk.
- Jogging Speed: Jogging speed in cm/s. Minimum: 100, Maximum: 1000, default: 600 cm/s, Note: Walking is a fraction of this.
- Walk Speed Scalar: Walking is a scalar of jogging speed. (Walk Speed=Jogging Speed*Walk Speed Scalar).
- Invert Walk Input: Pressing the Walk/Speed key (default Shift) is inverted. Player will “jog” when pressed, instead of walk.
- Disable Crouching: Player cannot crouch.
- Crouching Speed: Crouching Speed in cm/s. Minimum: 100, Maximum: Jogging Speed, default: 300cm/s.
- Disable Running: Player cannot run (double-tap forward).
- Run Speed Scalar: Running Speed. Running is a scalar of Jogging Speed. (Run Speed=Jogging Speed + Jogging Speed * Run Speed Scalar).
- Disable Jumping: Player cannot jump.
- Jump Force: Jumping Force, the force applied to jump and counter gravity.
- Disable Leaning: Player cannot lean.
- Disable Swimming: Player cannot swim; and will drown when submerged.
- Classic Weapon Mode: Classic Weapon Mode. If enable, all weapons will no longer use magazines like a classic game such as Wolf3D, Doom or Quake.
- Enable Advanced Scripting Mode: Player can edit by LUA code.
- Edit Player script: Edit a Lua script to change some functions of the player.
- Reset Player script to default: cancel all of the Lua script edit.